Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Final weeks on the prairie

A collection of photos from our last month and a half in South Dakota. 

In mid-August, Connor's sister Jenny and her friend Elizabeth came to visit us, and they were soon joined by Connor's aunt Judy, uncle Travis, and cousin Miranda. It was a welcome chance of pace and we had a wonderful time visiting with everyone. 
Throughout the summer Connor and I sat through many high-severity storms with fast winds that pushed water underneath the garage door and into the cabin. None of our blanket tricks worked. 
Connor picks wild plums for a berry crisp
We can hardly keep up with our daily produce - in season now are cucumbers, beans, tomatoes, popcorn, herbs, green peppers, and jalepinos.
Mati and Emily shell beans while I make sage bundles
Giant carrots continued to grow without our noticing
Sweet corn, carrots, runner beans, bush beans, and tomatoes to be frozen or stored
Another hopefully ripe watermelon to test, this one over 25 lbs...
Turns out to actually be ripe and delicious!
Yield from our popcorn plants after drying for 3 weeks. 
My sister Emily helps us paint with colors donated from Maureen Fischer. We went mostly with browns...
With a splash of pomegranate red in our kitchen.
Mati and Connor build a front porch

The front is complete

Michael Fields and his friend Ben help finish our interior painting

Door trim

Window trim with a stool and apron

The beginnings of a kitchen counter

Turquoise blue bathroom and kitchen, both in progress
Our laminate flooring, 95% complete
Our boss from the conservation district agreed to take our chickens and their coop - they didn't seem to mind riding sideways on their roost and their new home means no slaughtering!
A full box of cherry tomatoes for my mother
And a box of canning tomatoes brought home to Naperville
Connor and I will return to finish the Tiny Home after our marriage on Sept. 26th, and plan on living in it for a few weeks after our honeymoon and before our next adventure: Colorado. We'll post once more on the finished interior and living in a 128 sq.ft. living space!

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike. - John Muir